The distance from a line drawn perpendicular to back line (B), to bend at back of the knee (A).


Best measured with rider sitting on floor, back snug against straight wall.


The distance from the front of the upright pommel (A) to center back of the cantle (B).

Measurement across the widest part of the seat (C to D).


Seat Width Averages
10" - 11 1/2" Child
12" - 12 1/2" Slim
13" - 13 1/2" Average
14" - 14 1/2" Full


Estimated Seat Length Averages
19" - 20" Short thigh length
21" - 22" Average thigh
23" - 24" Tall or full figure


Tree Width - Barrel size

Gullet Width - Shoulder size
5" - Medium
5 1/2" - Wide
6" - Extra Wide


Average Set
average size leg


Wide Set
full leg (can be padded up for slimmer leg)


Bent Pommel
(acute angle)
impairs rider's position and comfort


Proper fit for the rider

is determined by a combination of factors:

1.Seat Width
2.Seat Length
3.Pommel Placement


A saddle fits the rider when

1.There is approximately 3-4 fingers space behind her in the seat.
2.The "set" of the pommel allows her right thigh to parallel that edge of the sidesaddle.
3.She "centers" easily in the saddle.
4.She has a feeling of ease and comfort.


©2000-2012   N.E.A. Sidesaddle Assoc. All rights reserved. No reproduction permitted.

All photographs ©2000  OTBM